Dear BHS Class of 1965,
The final plans have been made for our 3-day Class Reunion Sunday, June 8th, Monday, June 9th, and Tuesday, June 10th. Details are found in the 3-page 2025 Reunion Registration form PDF file. Click for the 2025 Reunion Registration form.
Page 1: Details of Reunion 2025 with detailed registration procedures.
Page2: Registration Form. To be completed and returned to Rick with your payment no later than May 1st.
Page 3: A completed Sample Registration Form that we hope will answer all of your questions about how to fill out the Registration Form.
We hope that you all will be able to join us. Please forward this email and the PDF file to any of our classmates for whom you think we may not have an updated email address or who does not have an email address. The deadline for registering for our reunion (sending the completed Registration Form with payment to Rick) is May 1st.
We hope to see you all in Berea in June.
The Reunion Organizing Committee
(Rick and Diane Langner, Donna Behrend, Judy Armstrong, Gail Schutzler, and Tom and Corky Nosek)
Click for the 2025 Reunion Registration form.
A note from Tom and Corky Nosek
January 14, 2025
Dear Classmates,
Henry Marting and I have been corresponding via email regarding our upcoming reunion in June. Last week, he emailed me that he had totally lost his home and business in the Palisades fires!!!!!
I didn't know how we could go about helping him. Last night, I found that his daughter Leslie has started a GoFundMe account to help him and his family. Leslie states on the GoFundMe page:
Hello everyone, I’m Leslie. Most of you will know me from Paws “N” Claws Grooming Salon. I'm writing this on behalf of my parents, Henry and Barbra Marting.
My parents have had their home on Linda Terrace for over 50 years and have been an active part of the community for most of their time in the Palisades. I’m incredibly heartbroken to say that my parents' home, my childhood home, was destroyed in the Palisades fires. I know times are tough right now, but any kind of donation to rebuild our house is much appreciated by my parents, my daughter, my sister, and me."
A direct link to their GoFundMe page (copy and paste this link into your web browser) is:
Corky and I encourage our classmates to help Henry and his family out to the extent that you can. If you know of any other of our classmates that have been impacted by the Los Angeles fires, please let us know.
Tom and Corky Nosek
Jim Quigley sent me a note on October 3, 2024, to inform us that his sister Paula passed away.
Thank you Jim for letting us know.
Gregory Macosko created a VERY nice video "The Berea I Remember".
Greg, thank you for sharing your Berea memories with us!
I have updated our Supplemental Site, the "Berea Ohio Project"! Lots of old Berea pictures and among other things it includes obituaries from some of our GREAT teachers we were fortunate to have.
The old and the new, photo compliments of Peter Kouris, Class of '65. Thanks, Peter!
This was compiled by Greg Macosko, thanks Greg, great job!
There has been a lot of interest and discussion about the future of the Tree of Knowledge outdoor sculpture.
Here are some articles provided, in the link above, by Leslie Douglas (Class of ’67) , thank you Leslie.
Thanks to Dick Curtner, we have some more great class pictures from Loomis School, Central, and Roehm! Thanks Dick!
I hope you like the new layout. I wanted to let you know, the "Log Out" selection is in the drop down menu, click on the little "head and shoulder" in the upper right hand corner. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!
Karen Sauke is asking our help to try to identify a student who went to Loomis School (pictures link here). As she recalls, his name was Joel and lived at the Berea Children’s Home. He and a companion were skating on ice in the Berea Metro park and his friend slipped under the ice. Joel attempted to rescue him and drowned instead.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas? We all love a good mystery!
This web site now has a “Class Connection Facebook Application”, so you will be able to access our web site through Facebook! Log onto the 1965 Class Web Site, then look under Member Functions (on your left) click “Class Connection”, Facebook opens, then click “Join Class” and Okay! To go to your regular Facebook page click on your name on the top tool bar, and to go to the class web site, click on Facebook “Home”, then under Apps, click “Class Connection”. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks, Larry
We have a new feature called "Rewind", a 60 second audio of what happened on this date in history.
I have posted some great "Swim Team" pictures Tom Dameron sent in! Click on the picture to enlarge it. Thanks, Tom
Web sites:
Class of 1960 web site,
Class of 1966 web site,
Class of 1967 web site,
Class of 1971 web site and the supplemental site for Berea and Berea High School.
We added many Class of '65 Fairwood Elementary School class pictures on the Misc Pix page!
We have added a new feature, Misc Pix, which allows any Class of 1965 classmate to "upload" pictures after they log on to the web site. We hope many of you contribute pictures.
Welcome to the Berea High Class Of 1965 web site. Please spend some time, create your information and let others know about the site, most of all have fun with it!
This site is very interactive. You'll be able to easily add information and photos yourself, contact other classmates, help find classmates, etc. I'm excited about the possibilities!
Don't forget about the "Message Forum"!!
We now have a Guest registration if you want to be a Guest in the '66 or '67 web site or if you know someone that would like to be a Guest in this site, let me know. Thanks, Larry Froehlich
Book & Bean pictures are on the Get Together page!
This picture and more (on the Supplemental Site) are from Dick Curtner.
Thanks Dick, these are GREAT photos!
If it’s your first time to the web site, please login by clicking the Classmate Profiles tab, scroll down to your name, click it and enter your current contact information. You can provide as little or as much information as you like without fear of spam. You can set your profile to display your contact information or to keep it private. It's up to you! This website is private and the information in it is not available in search engines, although the website's homepage is.
You can also share personal updates, memories, photos and videos with your classmates here. Enjoy looking at the profiles of old friends and don’t forget to add your own photos and comments. Check back often as classmates will continue to post new photos and updates.
Here is a link to the Berea Historical Society.
Click to hear the Pride of Berea; the Berea High School Marching Band!
Here is the web site for the Berea High Band Boosters!!